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Just Breath

When I look at views like this they make me think. I think about how beautiful life is, how beautiful nature is and how I am so lucky to be able to have all of this right in front of me. It gives me such a warm feeling and leaves me with a smile on my face. For a split second all your worries and troubles just seem to disappear. All you see is what’s directly in front of you. You are here in this moment and nothing else matters. It almost looks as if it goes on forever and gives you this sense of never ending hope. I sometimes even wonder what does life have for us next, beyond the view I have in front of me.


We all get caught up with things in our lives, that we forget to just stop for a moment, breath, and enjoy the view.


So when you are done reading this, stop what you are doing, and take a big inhale and a big exhale. Just breath, whatever you are going through now, will pass.

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